Languages |
Eatoni strives to always provide accurate, optimal databases for each language we treat. Our databases are constantly being updated and improved through data collection, user testing, and sophisticated mathematical analysis. Our goal is to enable quick, effortless typing of any likely word or letter sequence in any of the languages we support.
We are highly sensitive to localization issues such as language-specific keypad layouts and language-specific characters, as well as backward compatibility with manufacturer's key-assignment heritage. A major design constraint for our databases is memory usage. While our suggested database size is 10K for LetterWise and 150K for WordWise, we are able to optimally scale the databases to fit within a memory budget provided by a manufacturer.
In all, Eatoni products support about 300 languages. A large sample of those are listed below. The languages have been grouped in "regions", with our custom grouping being part geographical, part linguistic and part market-oriented.
Some languages are available in more than one script. The available script names are given in parenthesis. Some languages are variants or dialects, these are indicated by a hyphen, e.g. English-American for American English.
Arab Africa & Middle East
The Arab Africa & Middle East region covers the languages (with Arabic being the predominant one) of Northern Africa and the Middle East region, from Morocco to Iran and Afghanistan. The Arabic, Hebrew and Latin scripts are used to represent these languages. The population of the region is over 450 million.
Eatoni Languages:
East, West, Central Africa
The East, West, Central Africa region covers the languages of most African countries, except of Arabic (and related languages spoken in Northern Africa) and the languages of South Africa. Most languages of the region use the latin script often with extra modified letters, although Amharic uses the Ge'ez script. The population of the region is over 550 million.
Eatoni Languages: |
South Africa
The South Africa region covers all the official languages of South Africa, Swaziland and Lesotho. The writing systems for these languages are based on the Latin script. The population of the region is around 50 million.
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The Americas region covers the languages of the American continent, with Spanish, English and Portuguese being the predominant. These languages use the Latin script. The population of the region is around 900 million.
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Asia & Oceania
Eastern Asia
The Eastern Asia region covers the languages of many Eastern Asian countries like China, Japan, Vietnam, Thailand etc. Many scripts are in use in the area like Hanzi, Hangul, Hiragana, Katakana, Thai and even Latin-based systems. The population of the region is over 1.5 billion.
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India - South Asia
The India - South Asia region covers the major languages of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh. Various abugida scripts like DevanÄ?garÄ« are used to write these Indic languages. The population of the region is over 1.5 billion.
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Pacific Region
The Pacific region covers the languages of Oceania and the Asian countries Southeast of Vietnam (Indonesia, Malaysia, Philipines...). The writing systems for these languages are based on the Latin script. The population of the region is over 350 million.
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Europe & CIS
Eastern Europe
The Eastern Europe region covers the languages spoken in the Balkan peninsula, as well as some countries north of it, mainly Poland, Hungary the Czech Republic and Slovakia. The Greek, Latin and Cyrillic scripts are used in the area. The population of the region is over 130 million.
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Former Soviet Republics
The Former Soviet Republics region covers the languages of the countries that used to be part of the Soviet Union. The Cyrillic and the Latin scripts are used for these languages. The population of the region is about 300 million.
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Iberian Peninsula
The Iberian Peninsula region covers the languages of Spain, Portugal and Andorra. The languages are written using the Latin script. The population of the region is about 55 million.
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Italian Neighbors
The Italian Neighbors region covers the languages spoken in Italy, Malta, San Marino and parts of Switzerland. Most of these languages are closely related to Latin and thus use the Latin script. The population of the region is over 60 million.
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North Atlantic Region
The North Atlantic region covers the languages spoken in the UK, Ireland, Iceland the isle of Manx, Greenland and the Faroe islands. The Latin script is used for these languages. The population of the region is over 65 million.
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Northern Europe
The Northern Europe region covers the languages spoken in Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland. The Latin script is used for these languages. The population of the region is about 25 million.
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Western Europe
The Western Europe region covers the languages of several countries in West Europe, most notably France, Germany, Austria, Belgium, The Netherlands and Switzerland. The Latin script is used for these languages. The population of the region is close to 200 million.
Eatoni Languages: |
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