
Azerbaijani is the official language of Azerbaijan. It belongs to the Oghuz languages and is also widely spoken in Iran. The Azerbaijani language is based on the Oghuz language (brought from Central Asia by Seljuk Turks) and is heavily influenced by Persian and Arabic. It is also mutually intelligible with the Turkish and Turkmen language.

Map of Azerbaijani language speakers.
Map of Azerbaijani language speakers.

Basic stats

Total speakers: 25 million

Main Countries: Republic of Azerbaijan & Iran, also in parts of neighboring countries such as Georgia, Turkey, Ukraine, Iraq, and Russia

Alternate names: Azerbaijan, Azeri Turk

ISO 639-3 Code: azj

Language Sample

Bütün insanlar ləyaqət və hüquqlarına görə azad bərabər doğulurlar. Onarın şüuralrı və vicdanları var və bir-birlərinə mübasibətdə qardaşlıq runhunda davranmalıdırlar.

(Declaration of Human Rights, Article 1)

Some proverbs in Azerbaijani:

Ağıl başda olar, yaşda olmaz
Intelligence is in the head, not in the age

Bilməmək eyib deyil, soruşmamaq eyibdir
Shameful is not the one who doesn't know, but the one who doesn't ask

Æ?dÉ™b bazarda satılmaz
Politeness is not sold in the bazaar

Product Availability

The following products are currently available in Azerbaijani:

  • For Consumers

(Coming soon)


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