Alemannic German

Alemannic German (Alemannisch) is a group of dialects that belong to the Upper German branch of the Germanic language family. It is spoken by approximately ten million people in southern Germany, Switzerland, France, Austria, Liechtenstein, and Italy.

Map of Alemannisch language speakers.
Map of Alemannisch language speakers.

Basic stats

Total speakers: about 10 million

Main Countries: Switzerland, also spoken in Austria, France, Germany, Liechtenstein

Alternate names: Alemannisch

ISO 639-3 Code: gsw (Swiss German)

Language Sample

1,1 Am Afang het Gott Himmel un Erde gschafe.
1,2 Un d Erde war wescht un leer, un s war finschta uf d Defi; un dr Geischt Gottes het gschwebt uf fem Wassa.

(Genesis, 1,1-1,2)

Product Availability

The following products are currently available in Alemannic German:

  • For Consumers

(Coming soon)


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