Inputting the world's information on handheld devices

Inputting the world's information on handheld devices

Inputting the world's information on handheld devices

Presenting: Lunate for iOS

Lunate: How we will type on smart watches. Lunate available on the app store Lunate: How we will type on smart watches.
Lunate: How we will type on smart watches.
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About Eatoni

Eatoni develops software-assisted keyboards for handheld devices. It has three main product families: LetterWise, the only predictive text system suitable for the mass market, WordWise, the only predictive text system suitable for power users who want to touch type, and the EQx series of efficient QWERTY style keyboards for mobile devices. These products are implemented either in embedded systems, or our stand-alone software such as Eatoni Mail for BREW and emailTool, smsTool, ljTool for Symbian.
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Lunate Tutorial

Product Highlights

Products for Consumers


Making email easier for iPhone and iPad, featuring 10 selectable LetterWise/WordWise Eatoni keyboards.


The best Twitter client for iPhone and iPad, featuring 8 selectable LetterWise/WordWise Eatoni keyboards.

EQ3 emailToolemailTool

Email client for Symbian OS mobile phones, with LetterWise/WordWise text entry and EQ3 layout support.

EQ3 smsToolsmsTool

SMS client for Symbian OS mobile phones, with LetterWise/WordWise text entry and EQ3 layout support.

Eatoni Email

Eatoni Mail
LetterWise-enabled Email client for BREW (CDMA) mobile phones.

Products for OEMs


The simplest predictive text entry system in the world. Already available in over 20 million DECT phones worldwide.


Advanced word-based predictive text entry.


The Eatoni series of reduced QWERTY keyboards for mobile devices.
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