FAQ:Eatoni in Comparison

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions



How does your software compare to Motorola's iTap®, Tegic's T9® and Zi Corporation's eZiText®?

T9®, iTap® and eZiText® all take a similar approach to the problem of text entry: they all use a dictionary.

Instead we take a linguistic approach, storing statistical information about the language instead of simply storing a word list. The most obvious consequence of this for the user is that you can type anything, not just perfectly spelled English words.

I've heard people say your software is 15 times better than T9®. In what way?

In WordWise, queries occur only every 45 words, which at an average typing speed of 20 wpm means only once in two minutes of typing. Lookup errors occur every 440 words, or once in every two pages of typed text. These rates are 15 times better that those of the standard ambiguous code and by the dictionary-based text entry systems such as T9® that use it.

What about voice recognition?

This is a very big subject. While voice recognition can be used successfully in some situations, there are many in which it cannot. Voice-to-text systems that could understand what you're trying to say in that abbreviated SMS message will not be appearing on your cell phone any time soon. Background noise, variations in speech, fixed dictionaries, limited processing power, privacy, etiquette, and the need for error correction all create serious challenges for voice-based system.

In any case, even if the perfect voice system existed and was already installed on your phone, there would be many occasions when you would still want the ability to enter text. At best voice and text are parallel channels for users. At worst, voice systems are still an error-prone, expensive, and distant solution for small devices.

What about small QWERTY keyboards?

Some people enjoy typing on tiny but familiar QWERTY keyboards. A tiny keyboard is not touch typable since the keys are so small, and its keys are hard to hit so typing errors are more frequent.

If you love Qwerty but hate small keys, you should try EQ6. It is nearly unambiguous, and yet the keys are almost twice as big for a given size of device. See Demos for a demo of EQ6.


Are Downloadable Demonstrations of Eatoni's products available?

Of course! Demos of Eatoni Products are available!

By the way, while you're downloading our demo, you might want to consider why other text entry companies only offer you the use of a canned demo in which you cannot enter more than a couple of simple words that they have pre-selected for you.

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