
Bosnian is an Indo-European Slavic language spoken mainly in Bosnia and other regions of the Balkans. The Bosnian alphabet is based on the Latin alphabet. The Cyrillic alphabet is accepted, but practically rarely used. It should also be underscored that the Serbian, Croatian, and Bosnian languages are all mutually understandable. In addition, there are some influences in the language from Turkish and Arabic.

Map of Bosnian language speakers.
Map of Bosnian language speakers.

Basic stats

Total speakers: 2.7 million

Main Countries: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Croatia, Republic of Macedonia, Slovenia, Turkey (by expatriates dating back to 1960s)

ISO 639-3 Code: bos

Language Sample

Cвa љyд?кa биђa paђajy ?e ?лoбoднa и jeднaкa y дo?тojaн?твy и пpaвимa. Oнa ?y oбдapeнa paзyмoм и ?виjeшђy и тpeбa дa jeднo пpeмa дpyгoмe пo?тyпajy y дyхy бpaт?твa.

(Declaration of Human Rights, Article 1)

Some proverbs in Bosnian:

Latin: Lijepa rije? i gvozdena vrata otvara - Cyrilic: Лиjепа риjеч и гвоздена врата отвара
A kind word opens even the iron doors

Latin: Svuda pođi, svome domu dođi - Cyrillic: Свуда пођи, ?војој кући дођи
Where ever you go, come back to your home

Latin: Tko drugome jamu kopa sam u nju pada - Cyrillic: Tко другоме јаму копа ?ам у њу пада
Who digs a trap for others ends up in it himself

Product Availability

The following products are currently available in Bosnian:

  • For Consumers

(Coming soon)


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