Northern Sami

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Northern or North Sami belongs to the Uralic languages and is the most widely spoken of all Sami languages (a general name for a group of Uralic languages spoken by the Sami people in parts of northern Finland, Norway, Sweden and extreme northwestern Russia). The speaking area of Northern Sami covers the northern parts of Norway, Sweden and Finland. The number of Northern Sami speakers is estimated to be between 15,000 and 25,000.

Map of Northern Sami language speakers.
Map of Northern Sami language speakers.

Basic stats

Total speakers: 15,000-25,000

Main Countries: Sweden, Norway, Finland

Alternate names: Sámegiella, "Northern Lappish", "Norwegian Lapp", Saami, Same, Samic, "Lapp", Northern Saami, Davvisápmi, Davvisámi, Davvisámegiella

ISO 639-3 Code: sme

Language Sample

Buot olbmot leat riegádan friddjan ja olmmošárvvu ja olmmošvuoigatvuoðaid dáfus dássásažžab, Sudhuude kea addib huervnu ha ianedivdym ha vyigjat gakget neabbydut gyunnuudeaset gyivdy vuekhakaš vuoiŋŋain.

(Declaration of Human Rights, Article 1)

Product Availability

The following products are currently available in Northern Sami:

  • For Consumers

(Coming soon)


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